Greater Green Bay Habitat for Humanity will celebrate the completion of our Western Avenue project on Thursday, October 11, at 1256 Western Ave. The fifth and final home of the project will be dedicated at 5 p.m., with the block party to follow. The project added infrastructure and five homes to the Western Ave property in just one year.
Dedications are open to the public and include a short program featuring speakers, a key presentation, and a reflection from the new homeowners. The block party will feature food, music, and fun! “Look what 365 days can do. It’s amazing what our partners and volunteers helped us create. We took an empty lot- it didn’t even have infrastructure- and completely transformed a neighborhood,” said Executive Director Cora Haltaufderheid, “Now five families have a new opportunity in life. It’s a great example of our mission in action.” Lisa Dewitt, the future homeowner of the fifth home, couldn’t be more excited to move into a brand-new, two-bedroom, ADA compliant home in Green Bay. But she’s even more thrilled for her handicapped son, Kevin. “I’m so blessed that my handicapped son, Kevin, and I won’t have to climb stairs anymore,” said Lisa, “I plan on making my home as beautiful as I can by planting flowers, trees, and a garden!” This is the 111th home built by Habitat and sold to a qualified homeowner in the Greater Green Bay area. Homeowners have a zero-interest and affordable mortgage that is made possible through generous donations of money, materials, and volunteer labor. A special thank you to the sponsors on this home including: Brown County Housing Authority, Give Big Green Bay, Insperity, Little Rapids Corporation – Egan Family Foundation, Byron L Walter Family Trust, K.C. Stock Foundation, Kevin & Brenda Devroy and Family, Bryan & Dorothy Hollenbach, Trudell Holdings, Inc., and Mark M. Naze & Elizabeth M. Timmins. Join us and witness the positive impact of Habitat for Humanity homeownership in our community. For more information about Habitat, visit our website Comments are closed.