What Volunteers Need to Know Before They Go
Q: Do I have to register to join Rock the Block?
A: All of our volunteers are required to pre-register by completing and submitting our online volunteer registration and waiver form.
Q: Are volunteer walk-ups able to register on the day of Rock the Block?
A: No, all volunteers must be registered more than 24-hours in advance of a scheduled volunteer opportunity for Rock the Block.
Q: Where do I park?
A: For check-in at Home Base, you can park in the main parking lot at First United Presbyterian Church. After the introduction and safety brief, if possible, we strongly encourage carpooling to the work site if you are part of a volunteer group. City parking along the streets is permitted in De Pere, however all volunteers should be aware of the limited availability during business hours. Vehicles may have to park farther away from their work site due to the high demand and minimal availability of street parking.
Q: What are the specific addresses for each Rock the Block work site?
A: View the online map to view the 34 homes participating in the 2024 Rock the Block event. Due to schedule adjustments and work needed, volunteers will receive their final work site location upon check-in prior to their shift. To view work sites and the map visit https://bit.ly/rtb24map
Q: Is check-in required? And where do I go to check-in?
A: All volunteers are required to check-in at Home Base before beginning any work or transporting to their work site. All volunteers are required to check in before their shift. Check in will take place at "Home Base" located at First United Presbyterian Church: 605 N Webster St., De Pere, WI 54115. Parking is available at the church for all attendees. Registration includes checking in for your volunteer shift, picking up your t-shirt, getting food and/or snacks, and gathering for the intro and safety brief.
Daily Volunteer Schedule:
Morning Shift:
7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. - Registration & Breakfast
8:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. - Intro & Safety Brief
8:45 a.m. - Head to Project Locations
Afternoon Shift:
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Lunch & Registration
1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. - Intro & Safety Brief
1:15 p.m. - Head to Project Locations
All volunteers are welcome for lunch, whether you are finishing a shift, or just joining us for the afternoon
You will receive your work site assignment upon check-in.
Q: Where is Home Base?
A: This year’s Rock the Block “Home Base” is located at First United Presbyterian Church in De Pere located at 605 N Webster Ave, De Pere, WI 54115.
A: All of our volunteers are required to pre-register by completing and submitting our online volunteer registration and waiver form.
Q: Are volunteer walk-ups able to register on the day of Rock the Block?
A: No, all volunteers must be registered more than 24-hours in advance of a scheduled volunteer opportunity for Rock the Block.
Q: Where do I park?
A: For check-in at Home Base, you can park in the main parking lot at First United Presbyterian Church. After the introduction and safety brief, if possible, we strongly encourage carpooling to the work site if you are part of a volunteer group. City parking along the streets is permitted in De Pere, however all volunteers should be aware of the limited availability during business hours. Vehicles may have to park farther away from their work site due to the high demand and minimal availability of street parking.
Q: What are the specific addresses for each Rock the Block work site?
A: View the online map to view the 34 homes participating in the 2024 Rock the Block event. Due to schedule adjustments and work needed, volunteers will receive their final work site location upon check-in prior to their shift. To view work sites and the map visit https://bit.ly/rtb24map
Q: Is check-in required? And where do I go to check-in?
A: All volunteers are required to check-in at Home Base before beginning any work or transporting to their work site. All volunteers are required to check in before their shift. Check in will take place at "Home Base" located at First United Presbyterian Church: 605 N Webster St., De Pere, WI 54115. Parking is available at the church for all attendees. Registration includes checking in for your volunteer shift, picking up your t-shirt, getting food and/or snacks, and gathering for the intro and safety brief.
Daily Volunteer Schedule:
Morning Shift:
7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. - Registration & Breakfast
8:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. - Intro & Safety Brief
8:45 a.m. - Head to Project Locations
Afternoon Shift:
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Lunch & Registration
1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. - Intro & Safety Brief
1:15 p.m. - Head to Project Locations
All volunteers are welcome for lunch, whether you are finishing a shift, or just joining us for the afternoon
You will receive your work site assignment upon check-in.
Q: Where is Home Base?
A: This year’s Rock the Block “Home Base” is located at First United Presbyterian Church in De Pere located at 605 N Webster Ave, De Pere, WI 54115.
Q: What should I wear to a Rock the Block work site?
A: Volunteers must wear closed-toe shoes (no flip-flops or sandals), weather-appropriate clothing and/or apparel that can get dirty, dusty, or ruined. Volunteers are encouraged to wear clothing appropriate for the weather and outdoor work environment. In the summer, and heat, be prepared and bring sunscreen.
Q: Is there a minimum age requirement to volunteer for Rock the Block?
A. Yes. Volunteers over the age of 18 are invited and encouraged to join Rock the Block to be a part of the impact. Minors between the ages of 14-18 are welcome to volunteer. We do, however, require a parent or adult to stay with their children at all time. Minors are not allowed to operate equipment or power tools.
Q: How do I schedule a volunteer group? Is there a group registration form, or does everyone need to register individually?
A: With registration and advance notice, groups can schedule to volunteer at Rock the Block. Groups are also welcome to join our regularly scheduled Habitat build site and ReStore opportunities. Check our online monthly calendar for specific dates and times.
Q: What days of the week can we schedule a group for Rock the Block?
A: With registration and advance notice, groups can schedule a volunteer opportunity for Rock the Block on event days (Thursday, September 12th, Friday, September 13th or Saturday, September 14th), as well as event setup or teardown days. We always do our best to accommodate groups during workdays.
Q: Is there is a limit to the number of people who can volunteer for Rock the Block? How large of a group can volunteer?
A: There is no limit but make sure to tell us the number of volunteers in your group so we can plan in advance to make the experience enjoyable for everyone. We cannot guarantee groups can work at the same site together, but we try our best to keep work close by, or on the same work site.
Q: Should I or can I bring my own tools to Rock the Block?
A: Volunteers are not required to supply their own tools. All other tools, supplies, and materials are provided by the Crew Leader upon arrival at the work site. Volunteers may decide to bring their own work gloves. If you decide to bring your own tools, we strongly recommend labeling or marking your tools. Greater Green Bay is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Q: What if I find additional work that is needed on the exterior of a Rock the Block house?
A: Please follow the guidance and instruction provided by the Crew Leader or Site Supervisor. Only tasks included in the scope of work are being done by volunteers, staff and contractors. If you are asked to look at other needs, or to do any task(s) or projects that are not specifically noted at the work site, contact a Crew Leader or Site Supervisor immediately. No one participating in Rock the Block is allowed to enter the homeowners house.
Q: How do we cancel a scheduled volunteer shift for Rock the Block?
A: Rock the Block is a substantial volunteer-driven event. We appreciate as far in advance notice as possible. At the minimum, please notify us at least 48 hours notice if in the event that you need to cancel. Contact us directly to notify us of a cancellation.
Q: Does rain cancel Rock the Block work?
A: Generally speaking, heavy rain will cancel efforts for the Rock the Block event. High winds can cause cancellation if it is unsafe or impossible to conduct improvements or repairs to the exterior of a Rock the Block home. If there is a light drizzle or fog it is the call of the Site Supervisor and the Crew Leaders to decide to continue or to cancel. Volunteers are not required to remain at a work site in conditions they do not want to work in.
Q: What if Rock the Block is cancelled (due to inclement weather, or undetermined circumstances)?
A: If for any reason we need to cancel a build we will notify you via email as soon as possible. We suggest checking your email before heading to the Home Base so you can learn about any cancellations, location changes or parking instructions.
Q: If I lose anything, where do I find turned in lost items? If find a lost tool, supply or item, where can I bring it?
A: If you lost an item, please visit the Information Station located at Home Base to check if is turned in. If you find an item that does not belong to anyone on the work site or to the homeowner, please turn it in at the Information Station at Home Base.
Q: Can I complete community service hours to graduate, or earn credit by volunteering with the Greater Green Bay Habitat for Humanity?
A: Yes! We welcome all students to volunteer in our ReStore and select special projects for Greater Green Bay Habitat at for Humanity to fulfill their school or organization’s service hour requirements. During Rock the Block, you can request a signature, documentation, or paperwork after you’ve completed your hours. Depending on the number of community service hours needed to be completed, we invite you to consider other volunteer opportunities and share your skills and talent in support of our mission.
A: Volunteers must wear closed-toe shoes (no flip-flops or sandals), weather-appropriate clothing and/or apparel that can get dirty, dusty, or ruined. Volunteers are encouraged to wear clothing appropriate for the weather and outdoor work environment. In the summer, and heat, be prepared and bring sunscreen.
Q: Is there a minimum age requirement to volunteer for Rock the Block?
A. Yes. Volunteers over the age of 18 are invited and encouraged to join Rock the Block to be a part of the impact. Minors between the ages of 14-18 are welcome to volunteer. We do, however, require a parent or adult to stay with their children at all time. Minors are not allowed to operate equipment or power tools.
Q: How do I schedule a volunteer group? Is there a group registration form, or does everyone need to register individually?
A: With registration and advance notice, groups can schedule to volunteer at Rock the Block. Groups are also welcome to join our regularly scheduled Habitat build site and ReStore opportunities. Check our online monthly calendar for specific dates and times.
Q: What days of the week can we schedule a group for Rock the Block?
A: With registration and advance notice, groups can schedule a volunteer opportunity for Rock the Block on event days (Thursday, September 12th, Friday, September 13th or Saturday, September 14th), as well as event setup or teardown days. We always do our best to accommodate groups during workdays.
Q: Is there is a limit to the number of people who can volunteer for Rock the Block? How large of a group can volunteer?
A: There is no limit but make sure to tell us the number of volunteers in your group so we can plan in advance to make the experience enjoyable for everyone. We cannot guarantee groups can work at the same site together, but we try our best to keep work close by, or on the same work site.
Q: Should I or can I bring my own tools to Rock the Block?
A: Volunteers are not required to supply their own tools. All other tools, supplies, and materials are provided by the Crew Leader upon arrival at the work site. Volunteers may decide to bring their own work gloves. If you decide to bring your own tools, we strongly recommend labeling or marking your tools. Greater Green Bay is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Q: What if I find additional work that is needed on the exterior of a Rock the Block house?
A: Please follow the guidance and instruction provided by the Crew Leader or Site Supervisor. Only tasks included in the scope of work are being done by volunteers, staff and contractors. If you are asked to look at other needs, or to do any task(s) or projects that are not specifically noted at the work site, contact a Crew Leader or Site Supervisor immediately. No one participating in Rock the Block is allowed to enter the homeowners house.
Q: How do we cancel a scheduled volunteer shift for Rock the Block?
A: Rock the Block is a substantial volunteer-driven event. We appreciate as far in advance notice as possible. At the minimum, please notify us at least 48 hours notice if in the event that you need to cancel. Contact us directly to notify us of a cancellation.
Q: Does rain cancel Rock the Block work?
A: Generally speaking, heavy rain will cancel efforts for the Rock the Block event. High winds can cause cancellation if it is unsafe or impossible to conduct improvements or repairs to the exterior of a Rock the Block home. If there is a light drizzle or fog it is the call of the Site Supervisor and the Crew Leaders to decide to continue or to cancel. Volunteers are not required to remain at a work site in conditions they do not want to work in.
Q: What if Rock the Block is cancelled (due to inclement weather, or undetermined circumstances)?
A: If for any reason we need to cancel a build we will notify you via email as soon as possible. We suggest checking your email before heading to the Home Base so you can learn about any cancellations, location changes or parking instructions.
Q: If I lose anything, where do I find turned in lost items? If find a lost tool, supply or item, where can I bring it?
A: If you lost an item, please visit the Information Station located at Home Base to check if is turned in. If you find an item that does not belong to anyone on the work site or to the homeowner, please turn it in at the Information Station at Home Base.
Q: Can I complete community service hours to graduate, or earn credit by volunteering with the Greater Green Bay Habitat for Humanity?
A: Yes! We welcome all students to volunteer in our ReStore and select special projects for Greater Green Bay Habitat at for Humanity to fulfill their school or organization’s service hour requirements. During Rock the Block, you can request a signature, documentation, or paperwork after you’ve completed your hours. Depending on the number of community service hours needed to be completed, we invite you to consider other volunteer opportunities and share your skills and talent in support of our mission.