Greater Green Bay Habitat for Humanity’s Women Build 2019 has officially launched! This year’s event will take place for the entire month of May and the theme is “Build. Sweat. Repeat.”
Women Build invites women to devote at least one day during the month of May to help build decent and affordable housing in our community. Women have the strength and determination necessary to build Habitat houses, addressing the problem of accessible housing in a concrete way so that families can achieve stability and independence. No experience is necessary. Participants work in a collaborative atmosphere under the guidance of construction professionals and alongside other volunteers and future Habitat homeowners. Women who want to participate on a build site, network with other women, and fundraise at least $50 for Habitat are invited to join us. They can participate by either joining a corporate team or fundraising as an individual. Whether participating in Women Build as an individual or part of a team, women should get ready to have some fun! By setting up an individual fundraising page through Habitat and enlisting the help of friends and family, participants will be eligible for some awesome prizes! Get creative with how to raise funds for Women Build- utilize corporate matching funds, host a jeans day fundraiser, or create basket raffles. For more information and to view fundraising incentives, visit the Women Build website: Comments are closed.